Friday, January 21, 2011

The Fabulous Five

Well, I'm home.  I'm also armed with a computer and vicodin.  Probably not a good idea.  Please excuse any misspellings or incomprehensible ramblings.

This morning's surgery was super successful!  The Docs were able to retrieve ten eggs from my ovaries.  Five of them are still a little bit small, but the other five are Fat and Fabulous!!!  Perfectly mature with, according to the embryologist, excellent chances of fertilization. 

Tom's sample was likewise fantastic.  He had the entire staff rolling (as usual) about the lack of decent reading material in the specimen room.  After he went back to do his thing, the nurse came out and laghed about him picking the Russian magazine.  She asked if he spoke Russian.   I cracked up observing, "I doubt he was planning on reading the articles anyhow."  This is the only time I wish I knew how to speak a little Russian.  I really wanted to say something in Russian when he came back, but alas, English and simple Spanish is all I can do.  And, I speak neither of those languages particularly well. 

Of course, I don't recall the surgery.  The last thing I remember is commenting that they brought out the "big daddy" stirrups for me.  Seriously, those things were frightening.  Then, Doc asked me about my four-legged babies.  I remember telling them their names, and then I go blank.  Next thing I know I am back in recovery. 

I'm home now and laying in bed.  Tom is being so sweet, he is actually spoiling me rotten.  I could definately get used to this, and at some point he will be sorry he started it.  He has cleaned the house, done several loads of laundry, gone out to get my meds, and is now getting ready to fix dinner.  Everytime he passes by the room he asks, "Baby, do you need anything?"  I am truly one of the luckiest ladies on the planet. 

There is pain, even with the meds, but it is nothing terrible or life-shattering.  It probably would be without the vicodin, but thank Goodness I will never know!  I have orders to rest this weekend and prepare for the transfer on Monday.  I will get pictures of the embryos we choose to implant on Monday also (They give you pictures of them for your baby book - WOW, I can't believe I might have a baby book soon).  I will try to scan them so you can see.  I'll have plenty of time on my hands:  After Monday's transfer I will be on strict bed rest for 3 days.  Only getting out of bed for the bathroom and shower.  Yuck.

I am so excited!!!  It's difficult to rest because my mind is racing!  I really feel like THIS IS IT.  I feel like our dreams are coming true.  Like the long nightmare of years exploring, searching, crying, that it may finally be coming to an end.  Please God, let it be so.

 Will check in tomorrow after we hear from the embryologist.  xoxo

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