Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"You can agree with me...

Or you can be wrong."  Period.

A couple of years ago, I bought this big 'ol bangle bracelet with the above quote inscribed on it (pictured above).  I was shopping in Cape Cod with my sister-in-law Mandy, and just had to have it.  I may be an opinionated bitch, but at least I embrace it.

But, anyway, I bring this up today because this bracelet would describe my mood perfectly if I could fit it on my big swollen hand.

I have spent the past year writing this blog about my experience with infertility.  I have personally weathered several years of negative pregnancy tests, numerous surgeries, examinations, diagnoses, and treatments.  I have wondered when and if I would ever get pregnant, and how it would occur.  I rode the emotional roller-coaster several times in a row.  I remember feeling desperate and crazy and helpless all at the same time.  I've had physical pain from a surgery or treatment, that didn't amount to anything compared to the emotional void that existed inside me.   But, God spared me one terrible experience.  Thank the Lord above, I have never had to live through a miscarriage.

My mother had numerous miscarriages before being placed on bed rest for 7 months in order to give birth to me.  Several of my dear friends and family members have miscarried.  I have seen, although cannot personally imagine, the emotional heartbreak and physical havoc it causes to a woman.  I can't even begin to imagine it.    Truth is, I don't even want to imagine it.

This being said, I want to speak directly to the men whose wives and girlfriends have gone through, are going through, or may go through such an experience.  And what I want to say is, shut the f(*k up and support your woman.   GET OVER whatever is "stressing" you out and man-up.  Yes, it's sure to be an emotional time for you, too.   But your girlfriend/wife is going through BOTH the emotional and physical pain and needs your support more than ever.  Have some pride and act like a man should.  There will be time enough to baby you after.  I promise.

I have a friend who is currently going through this terrible experience with ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT  from her significant other.  Maybe it's the hormones, or maybe it's just my general crankiness, but I am simply sickened by this conduct.

Therefore, my dear husband has had to hear me man-bash all day long.  It's not fair, especially since you couldn't ask for a more supportive partner than he has been to me in this venture.  But, this selfish idiot is one of "his kind" and therefore they must suffer as one.  Forgive me, but this is just one of those times I think the woman is right, no matter how crazy or emotional she is being at the time.  And if you disagree, see the bracelet.

In closing, I'm disgusted, I'm angry, and I'm hungry (just in general).  This is not a good combination, my friends.  Not a good combination at all.

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