Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tackling *blah* Thursday with a smile!

Ok.  I'm having one of those days where I can't seem to get anything right.  I try, but I am continuously screwing things up!  What in the world is wrong with me?  I have managed to screw two of my clients cases up in the same day.  Nothing earth shattering, just stupid mistakes that I seem to be making more and more these days. 

Not to mention that I feel gross.  Seriously, I only have a small bump and ALREADY with the stretch marks!!!!  Yuck!  I have two sets going vertically up my abdomen on each side of my belly button.  I'm sure an effective way to describe these evil bastards would be a photo.  HA!  No chance!  What I will say is that cocoa butter can kiss my *s#!  I've been smothering that stuff on my stomach for weeks and it has done nothing to deter them!  Angie Everheart is a bi*&h and a liar.  ;) 

So, what is really bothering me?  I miss working in public service.  No, I didn't make any money.  Public servants are overworked, underpaid, and vastly under appreciated.  As a prosecutor, I could hardly pay my bills much less have any hope of paying off my law school loan in this lifetime.  On the other hand, not having to worry about collecting legal fees gave me the ability to focus ALL my attention on solving the problem/helping the victim/and fighting for what is right.  This simplicity of purpose suited my personality much better.  These days, I feel like all I do is chase after my clients to pay their unpaid bills.  It must be done, because my bills still have to be paid not to mention the overhead of my business.  But, I can't help feeling guilty about it knowing that most of my clients are also struggling financially.  I guess I just wasn't born to be a big "hustler." 

Maybe I'm not a good "hustler," but by golly I was born to be a fighter.  This is what I loved so much about prosecution.  It was easy for me to fight for most of those cases.  They not only felt personal, but I felt like I was doing the right thing.  Now-days, most of my cases are just the opposite.  I do get a client here and there that pulls at my heartstrings and seems sincere.  I love these cases:  The ones where I feel like my clients have indeed been wronged in some way and that they are in need of justice.  But to be frank, these cases are few and far between.  The vast majority of my cases involve individuals who think personal accountability is an Accounting principle and rules are for suckers.  Most are spoiled, flawed, entitled individuals who expect me to get them out of something (that they in fact did) after the fact.  I truly have trouble committing my heart and soul to this kind of thing.  Most days, I just want to scream at them.

While my rules/conservative-oriented personality prevents me from sympathizing with many of my clients, my extensive background in prosecution makes me an extremely effective defense attorney.  I not only speak the prosecutor's language, but I also know what they are thinking and what they can or cannot prove.  All these things are essential to defending someone competently.  So I guess in the end this clash of personalities is a blessing and a curse I must live with.  Plus, as opposed to the past, I no longer need to derive all my joy and life's satisfaction from work.  My job is just something I do in order to live and enjoy my life.  Not the other way around.  Thank goodness!

So, in the interest of cheering myself up on this dreary day, I feel like sharing some of the things that make me laugh.  When I get stressed, or down, or just feel like a chubby loser (kinda like today), I turn to these things to bring me back to reality and remind me that life is good.  That is, life AND laughter are good.  Especially when we don't take our own lives too seriously.

Watch for the giraffes.  Tom swears the girly-giraffe is me...Hum.  LOL!

THIS NEXT ONE IS DEFINATELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK.  Bad language, but absolutely hillarious and so true.  I love Katt Williams.  One of the funniest comics ever. 

There is something strangely attractive about Ron White.  Of course, this is coming from the same person who is strangely attracted to the likes of Jack Black, Jeremy Piven, and one of my nerdy college history professors that couldn't have been over 5 feet tall and wore man-vests!!!  Ha!

And my favorite...

Have a great Thurday people!  <3

1 comment:

  1. LOVE Kat and Ron....these happen to be 2 of my favorite clips!!! You rock! Thanks for sharing. Having a "blah" day myself and this help put a smile on my face for sure!!!! Hang in there girl!
