Sunday, October 31, 2010

Glass houses and stones

I ran across the following quote today and it got me thinking:

"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." Marilyn Monroe

I admit it, I'm guilty of it.  In fact, I know no one who has not, at one time or another, delighted in the latest juicy piece of gossip.  But in my case, and I would assume most others, I hear it and forget about it completely within seconds.  I really don't have the time, or inclination, to worry with other people's lives.  I have enough to worry about in mine!

It seems harmless.  And, for the most part, I think most gossip is.  On the other hand, there is that rare person who absolutely delights in the misfortunes of others. The one who is so unhappy that the only way he/she feels better is to try and tear others down.  I have had the great misfortune of knowing a few of these people in my lifetime.  Lately, I have been personally targeted by two in particular.  And the obsessiveness of their attempts at destroying me is mind-boggling. 

At first, this coordinated effort to destroy me really bothered me.  I remember feeling so sorry for myself.  The sadness eventually turned to anger.  I'm happy to say that a year and a half later I am over it.  I really could care-less about their poorly executed plan of destruction.  Luckily for me, their repetitive abusive behavior has completely ruined any credibility they once had with their peers (which wasn't much).  There is an old saying about throwing stones and glass houses.  The thing about living in a glass house is that not only is it suceptible to breaking, but it is also completely transparent.  These two hypocritical fools have become a joke to everyone who knows them.

The bottom line is that no one knows what has happened in my life except me.  I know the decisions I have made and the basis for those decisions.  There is one other person that knows some of my story, but he is not either one of these two offenders.  I have made mistakes, and I am certain I will continue to make mistakes in this lifetime.  I have paid for them.  More importantly, however, I have learned from them.  But I have also made really good decisions, ones that have greatly improved my quality of life.  Ones that I'm proud I had the courage to make.  Either way, though, it is time to move on.  I've moved on.  He's moved on.  So, why can't they? 

I suppose they have nothing better to do than harass and stalk me.  I assume that they with each failed attempt at hurting me their obsession and anger just grows and grows.  Ultimately though, I think that they haven't moved on because they have nothing to move on to.  They are miserable, delusional, hypocrites.

Well, they can just continue to make fools of themselves.  And I will continue looking forward to a life full of happiness and hopefully a large and loving family of my own.  I can't think of a better stone than that.

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