My sister is amazing.
Just two years ago, my sister was navigating her way through a very successful career in the world of Medical sales. She was transferred to the Miami territory approximately 5 years ago, and quickly made a name for herself in the industry. And she was earning a VERY comfortable living doing something that she....hated.
We all knew that Laura was not happy in the corporate world. She felt stifled creatively and frequently discussed pursuing other avenues. But, I figured she would stick with the sales career for a while, if for no other reason that she WAS MAKING BANK. I'll admit that I underestimated her will to make her own way in this world, which was an entirely stupid move knowing my sister as well as I do.
As anyone can see, Laura is an extraordinarily beautiful human being. She has spent many years in front of the camera lens, modeling for this or that. But, it was not until she jumped behind the camera that I truly saw her potential as an artist.
When she called to tell me that she had found her passion in life, and that she was going to quit her lucrative sales career to follow it, I must say I was hesitant. I thought, "Jesus, she's going through some kind of quarter-life crisis or something!!" "Are you sure? Maybe you should start slow on nights or weekends and grow into it." "You are giving up ALOT with no guarantees." These are just some of the things I, and many others, were saying to her. As usual, Laura did exactly what she wanted regardless of our opinions. She has always had more courage than me when it comes to taking risks. She has always followed her heart, no matter what others thought about it - which is absolutely inspiring. Needless to say, Laura took that jump into the unknown. She risked it all to make her dream of becoming a professional photographer a reality. And in doing so, she proved all of us wrong.
I guess I should have suspected it when she quit her job. Or when she left home AND her new husband to attend a prestigious photography program in New York City for six months (only a couple months after they wed). Or, maybe when she sacrificed to buy the equipment and tools she needed to start this venture. But, whenever I should have seen it, I can assure you I do now. This is exactly what she was meant to do. Photography is her calling.
Today, she is well on her way to becoming a top-sought after photographer in Southern Florida. She focuses much of her business of the photography of children and women. She is passionate about taking beautiful photographs that capture the natural and unsullied spirit of her subjects. Her clients are amazed and rave about her ability to put them at ease and capture them at their very best.
Laura blessed Tom and I with engagement photos last fall, which we will surely treasure all of our lives. She is coming back to town in June, at which time she will shoot our maternity photos. I absolutely cannot wait. I won't spoil the surprise, but let me just say, she has some really cute ideas that I think will make for some really fun photos. (No nudity btw. Yuck).
So, I thought I would post the following photos in celebration of my beautiful sister. They are just a small sampling of her talent, and should be enough to convince you that you MUST BOOK HER IN JUNE. She will be home from approximately June 25th - ??????????????? She has a couple bookings already, but the more work she has the longer she can stay. So...I am shamelessly promoting her so as to have more time to spend with this awesome woman!!!! I'm pregnant and I need my sis. What else can I say? But whatever my reasons, her work speaks for itself and you are foolish not to take advantage while she is in town!!!!
As you can see, I merely uploading a sampling of her children's photos, but rest assured she does beautiful engagement, maternity. family, and budoir photos as well. If you are interested, visit her webpage at to see many more examples of her work. When you book her (and I know you will), mention that you saw this post on my blog and she will give you a discount off her already reasonable prices.
MOST OF ALL, DON'T WAIT!!! She will not be back to Kentucky until the end of the year, when she will spend ALL OF HER TIME oooooohing and aaaaaawing over our newborn baby :) Sorry, but I will not be sharing her next time!!!!! LOL
BTW, congrats to all of you who were lucky enough to book her on her last trip :) Thanks for supporting my baby sis!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I'm so tired but can't sleep. Insomnia is back and kicking my butt. Urg.
Since I hit 13 weeks, I have had a horrible insomnia problem. At first, I just felt super uncomfortable. I would lay down wanting to go to sleep, but absolutely could not quit moving my legs. My sister has suffered from "restless leg syndrome" for years, but I'll admit that I really didn't understand what she was feeling. That is until now. It is horribly frustrating to be soooo tired and so active at the same time.
To add insult to injury, my arms, hands, and feet began falling asleep at night a couple weeks ago. I have never had this happen before, and I still am not sure why. I've read that this is normal because of my increased blood flow which can lead to possible pinched veins, nerves etc. Either way, I am about to lose my mind. It has gotten so bad that my hands will go to sleep in the middle of the day too.
The previous two problems were unexpected side effects of this pregnancy. However, the following is one I KNEW I would have: Swelling. I am just one of those people; I swell during the summer without being pregnant! I have already begun swelling with this pregnancy and my friends, it is not pretty.
I don't really care aesthetically about the swelling - its that throbbing that bothers me. I find that the more active I am/more I am on my feet during the day, the worse the swelling gets. When my feet are super swollen, it literally hurts to stand on them. Finally, the swelling and limbs falling asleep are counterproductive. If I sleep with my hands above my heart to lessen the swelling, they go to sleep. If I sleep with my hands down, they swell. So annoying!!!
I think these issues are exaggerated because of the mattress we are sleeping on. It is a hand-me-down and as hard as nails. It has no "give" at all. After a few nights sleeping in a recliner, I decided it was time to get a new one. I don't believe it will cure all my sleep issues all together during this pregnancy, but I am hopeful it will help even a little bit.
Even with a pregnancy as sought after as this one, it is easy to get bogged down in the negative. I have complained and whined about lack of sleep and muscle/joint pain all week. I may have even been...shall I say it? Moody (yes, Tom, I can detect when I am being somewhat hormonal LOL)
But on our way home from Louisville last night, we stopped at CVS to buy yet more lotion to rub on my ever expanding body. I am also suffering from dry skin in general, which is caused by the hormones, but also adds to the drama at night. Passing by the candy aisle, Tom said something off the cuff and without purpose (as usual, haha). He commented, "Just think, this time next year we will be buying Easter candy for an Easter basket." This observation summed up the entire reason I am in this swollen, sleepless state to begin with. And his comment reminded me of the total insignificance of my temporary discomforts.
In the game of procreation, the only thing that really matters is end score. As long as the score is Tom and Amanda: One, Infertility: Zero, who cares about all this silly stuff anyway? Holding our beautiful little "point" in October will be worth it all.
So when fatigue and frustration get the best of me, I just need to shut my mouth and learn to listen. It's easier said than done, especially for an attorney who makes her living talking. But instead of repetitively hearing my own complaints and discomforts, listening may just remind me of the undeniable blessing that we have been given.
Funny thing is, the picture in my head from Tom's comment made me feel better than I have all week. Of course, I still had him rub me down with lotion when we got home. But this is a pregnant gal's prerogative, right? :)
Happy Easter friends! I hope your Easter baskets are filled to the brim this year with chocolate bunnies, peeps, and most of all Love :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Mullet. See, you just smiled.
As many of my Wednesdays go, I find myself in the middle-of-the week funk. You know, far away from either weekend and kinda drab. So, I thought I would jot down a few things that make me smile to try and get me out of this funk (Wednesday or not).
(1) My furbabies Ally and Karma. All it takes is a word or look from me, and their tails start wagging instantly. This, my friends, is love. Pure love. And I soak in every minute.
(2) Larry the Cable Guy. Yes, I know his Southern accent is contrived. I don't care. I would laugh listening to him read the phone book. There is just something about him that tickles my funny bone!
(3) My Husband. Aside from being hopelessly in love with this man, I also truly enjoy his company. He can make me laugh and smile like no one else. He is a funny, funny, guy. And he's my funny, funny, guy. I'm smiling just writing this :)
(4) Plants and Flowers. Spring is my fav because my plants begin coming up and looking extra healthy (as opposed to late summer when they look all beat down and sad). I love working in the yard ~ It's the one place I don't mind getting muddy or dirty. My ultimate dream is to be one of those Old Southern Women who work in their yard every morning, Spring thru Fall, wearing petal pushers (capris to the rest of the world) and a big 'ol sun hat. And of course, go inside in the afternoon when the sun gets too hot, make some sweet tea, and relax on the covered porch with all the other old gals in the neighborhood. Who am I kidding, I would love to have this life now, not just when I'm old!
(5) Country Music. Yes, I love it and I am not ashamed. I was Country before country was cool. In middle school, I was made fun of because of my bolo necktie and cowgirl boots. I didn't care. I love Reba. I love George. No other genre can make me wanna roll the windows down, feel the wind in my hair, and sing (badly) at the top of my lungs. Be it classic country Hank or modern crossover Sugarland, I can croon with the best of them. And I smile every time.
(6) My sister. She is a beautiful, talented, extraordinary woman. However, it's the side of her seldom seen by outsiders that makes me smile. At home with her loved ones, she can be the goofiest and funniest girl around. She makes funny gestures and has several "voices" that could crack up even the straightest arrow. In my opinion, this is where she shines the brightest. No makeup, dressed in Mom or Mamaw's hand-me-downs, and happy to entertain. She is coming in this weekend and I absolutely cannot wait. So excited!
(7) Mullets. I don't know why but a mullet can crack me up faster than anything. I am amazed by this outdated hair craze ~ and even more so when I run across someone sporting it. And God-forbid someone comment using the mullet-lingo developed over the past few years. Just utter any of the following words and I will start rolling: "Fe-mullet" "Mullitino" or "Infantullet."
(8) My growing belly. My midsection has traditionally been a source of much despair in my life. I was cursed with a body-type that collects all the extra weight around the middle. Unlike most women, I have little no "ass" or hips. Now, I'll admit, I was blessed with some bangin' legs. LOL And, yes, I can say that without feeling conceited. We all have good things and bad things about our bodies. Mine happens to be: belly = bad, legs = good. But these muscular/toned legs don't do a thing to take away from my big-ol-mid section. But for the first time in my life, I don't look at my swollen belly and cringe. Instead, I smile. A really, really big smile.
Have a good night y'all!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Expecting the Unexpected
For as long as I remember, I have been (1) Avoiding the baby topic all together, or (2) Focusing all my energy on getting pregnant. So, I never really gave much thought to what would happen once I actually got pregnant.
I'm not talking about the baby part. I have been dreaming of having a baby for a very, very long time. Longer than I admitted to myself or others. What I'm talking about is the pregnancy part. As much planning as went into achieving it, I was utterly clueless on what would actually happen to my body once I got pregnant. I really didn't think, or care, about this seemingly insignificant issue.
So, there have been some surprises so far. I decided to jot some of them down in case some of you are as ill-prepared as I was. :)
(1) I didn't expect to feel so...tired...all the time. I really feel like I could sleep all day everyday, that is if I could get comfortable (which leads me to number 2).
(2) I expected to be uncomfortable during the third trimester, but not now! For the past couple of weeks, I have had the absolute worst time sleeping. Aside from the frequent trips to the bathroom, I wake up with aches and pains in just about every part of my body. My thighs and calves are sore; my shoulders and arms too. And don't even get me started on the carpal tunnel! I have been waking up to arms and hands that are asleep for seemingly no reason at all. This is making my hands especially weak during the day, making it hard to even grip my bra in order to hook it. I absolutely did not expect this.
(3) Much like above, I am shocked to already be experiencing pelvic girdle pain. Sometimes I CANNOT STAND OR WALK if I have been sitting too long. When I do, this horribly sharp pain goes shooting down my back and into my left butt cheek. I'm only 14 weeks. What in the heck is this going to be like at 35 weeks?
(4) I seem to be feeling worse the longer we go. I felt wonderful most of the first trimester. Other than the headaches and sleepiness, I was absolutely fine. No nausea, nothing. Now, I feel like an old geezer anytime I move. I thought the second trimester was supposed to be the "honeymoon stage" of pregnancy. What is the deal with that?
(5) Who knew maternity suits were so damn hard to come by?? I can't find one damn business suit over size 10 in maternity wear. Well, these boobs and belly didn't fit in size 10 6 months ago, and I can assure you that they won't now. So, I am stuck wearing cardigans everyday.
(6) The hair growth on my body is out of control. Like seriously, I bet I could grow a beard if I wanted to. Thanks to my Melungeon heritage, I was already a hairy gal. But this beats all I ever saw! There is nothing that makes you feel more attractive that feeling like the bearded lady at the circus, let me tell you.
(7) My baby bump can go from looking like a 4 month bump to an 8 month bump in an hour's time. It all comes down to constipation. It grosses me out, seriously. I have to be better about staying on the nightly Miralax regiment a friend told me about!
So, that's about it for now. I'm sure I'll learn more **pleasant** things as the months go by leading up to October. But at the end of the day, I must say that all the constipation, rogue facial hair, and sharp pains are totally worth it. Small price to pay for such a precious gift and blessing. <3
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Creepy Crawler
Have you ever seen a 13 week pregnant woman disrobe, bra and all, while screaming bloody murder in the parking lot of a gas station? If not, you have been spared an extremely disturbing sight. Believe me. Just ask anyone passing by the Shelbyville Road/Hurstbourne Lane intersection at around 3:30 p.m. yesterday.
Tom and I were on our way back from some errands. We went by the mall to pay a Macy's bill (left over from Christmas, urg), stopped by Invisible Fence to replace Karma's collar. Apparently, Ally does not like Karma to wear any neck wear. If left to her own devices, she WILL chew the collar directly off Karma's neck. Seriously, we have had to get so many replacements that they jokingly say "See you next week" when we leave.
Anywho, Tom was driving (thank the Lord) and we were headed toward East on S-ville Road. We were talking when I felt something fall onto my forehead. I instinctively reached up to brush it off, and the damn thing fell into my cleavage. I looked down and saw a disturbingly large, hairy black spider scurry down into my bra. I LOST IT. I started screaming and tearing off clothes right there in the passenger seat.
Tom had no idea what I was doing, but he pulled into the gas station anyway. I bolted out of the car, jumping and dancing around while unhooking my bra. I whipped it out from under my shirt and shook my shirt all around trying to get the damn spider off me. I swear, I'm sure I looked as if I had two pigs fighting under a blanket with my boobs bouncing around from my erratic movements! I was still making really loud audible noises - They weren't exactly screams, but a cross between a scream and a cry. Tom sat there in the driver's seat of the car staring at the scene unfolding in front of him. I'm not sure anyone could prepare themselves for such a sight. Then, he remembered where we were and said, "Hurry up, people are going to call the cops on a domestic disturbance in process!!" I screamed "You ARE the damn police!!" I begrudgingly jumped back into the car, still a freaked out about where the damn spider had gone. I could feel it on me the whole way home, feeling like it was crawling all over me. Yuck.
On the way home, all Tom could do was laugh. All I could do was scratch.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Doin' it up "Royalty Style"
I have long felt that I was meant to be born into great wealth. It seems, however, that God got a little side-tracked and wrote "working class" when he should have written "royalty" next to my family. Why, you ask? I am wired to always be attracted to the most expensive and luxurious item available. This holds true no matter what, and even when I have no idea of the prices. It's a curse, really, to have such champagne taste on an undeniably box-a-wine budget.
So, in the spirit of living up to my destiny, I thought I would show you a few of the things that have caught my eye in baby-gear world. A few of them may be possible, but most are just dreams that have no chance of becoming reality. Oh well. At least I know that my dream nursery is the bomb diggity!
My dream stroller, or shall I say pram. I imagine myself strolling through the neighborhood in a 1950's style day-dress, crinoline and all, with my beautifully vintage baby carriage and even more beautiful baby. I can see it as clear as day. And all for the bargain price of $1399.00! LOL. I'm pretty sure this one is NOT going to happen. But a girl can dream, right?
Every new mom needs a cozy place to sit and nurse the baby. Not only is the next glider cozy, but it is also so, so beautiful. Again, highly unlikely at $1585.00. :(
And what little girl (see, I'm awful!) doesn't need a stylish play house? well, I'm pretty sure this one is just as nice, if not more so, than our actual home. And it costs almost as much, at approximately $4000.00!!!
So, I could literally spend tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes decorating this damn nursery. Unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow such extravagances.
The one luxury I am trying to make a reality is a built in changing nook. I met with a client today who has agreed to perform the labor, while I believe another client is going to give me the materials for free. The one perk of my job: I meet and represent ALOT of people in the construction business. They give me the hookup!!! Here is a picture of what I'm going for in the nursery closet, although I will be making a few changes:
So, I hope you enjoyed my little stroll in fantasy land. Now time to get back to reality and work, at least until God realizes his mistake and lets us win the lottery.
Xoxo :)
So, in the spirit of living up to my destiny, I thought I would show you a few of the things that have caught my eye in baby-gear world. A few of them may be possible, but most are just dreams that have no chance of becoming reality. Oh well. At least I know that my dream nursery is the bomb diggity!
My dream stroller, or shall I say pram. I imagine myself strolling through the neighborhood in a 1950's style day-dress, crinoline and all, with my beautifully vintage baby carriage and even more beautiful baby. I can see it as clear as day. And all for the bargain price of $1399.00! LOL. I'm pretty sure this one is NOT going to happen. But a girl can dream, right?
My dream crib: What else could be more appropriate for a little princess that a real-life fairy tale carriage? This little baby will only set you back a cool $5,430.00! Again, this is definitely NOT HAPPENING over at the Cypert residence. Runner up? The beautiful, delicate round crib below. Still not a likely possibility at approximately $1500, but definitely closer to reality. :)
Every new mom needs a cozy place to sit and nurse the baby. Not only is the next glider cozy, but it is also so, so beautiful. Again, highly unlikely at $1585.00. :(
And what little girl (see, I'm awful!) doesn't need a stylish play house? well, I'm pretty sure this one is just as nice, if not more so, than our actual home. And it costs almost as much, at approximately $4000.00!!!
So, I could literally spend tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes decorating this damn nursery. Unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow such extravagances.
The one luxury I am trying to make a reality is a built in changing nook. I met with a client today who has agreed to perform the labor, while I believe another client is going to give me the materials for free. The one perk of my job: I meet and represent ALOT of people in the construction business. They give me the hookup!!! Here is a picture of what I'm going for in the nursery closet, although I will be making a few changes:
So, I hope you enjoyed my little stroll in fantasy land. Now time to get back to reality and work, at least until God realizes his mistake and lets us win the lottery.
Xoxo :)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Papaw's Girl
Anybody who has ever had a baby hears it. Once the belly starts to pooch the least little bit, the questions start: "Do you know what it is yet?" "Are you going to find out?" "What do you want?" For years I have heard other mommies-to-be respond that "they don't care either way" and "just hope the baby is healthy." While I generally concur with these statements, I submit to you that these mommies are lying. Maybe it's buried deep down inside, but I guarantee that this politically correct mommy is secretly hoping that the little bean inside her belly is one or the other. In her dreams, she is clearly seeing pink bows or blue bonnets.
The difference between me and the PC mommies-to-be is that I am rarely PC. I know this will be a major shock (lol) to some, but I will admit I HOPE THE BABY IS A GIRL. In fact, I have always wanted a little girl. In all the years I dreamed of being lucky enough to get pregnant, the gender of the resulting baby was always the same. Never a boy, always a girl. With brown hair and blue eyes. Ok, a mini version of me. A bit self obsessed and petty, but I can't help that it is true.
I also believe that this is one instance where I am truly a victim of my circumstances. Throughout my life, women have literally ruled my roost. At home, there was my mom, my sister, and me. Then, there was Dad. To be honest, the sheer amount of estrogen flowing through the house made his presence a bit muted (sorry dad). In my extended family (on my mother's side), there were 12 grandchildren in total. Only 2 of them were boys. When the family got together it was a complete girl black-out. And, of course, then there was Mamaw. The Matriarch. The leader of the little women, big women, and actually everybody else too (my Papaw and Uncles included). Girls are all I know. With girls I am comfortable.
Despite of the girl-frenzy, I had an absolutely magical relationship with my Papaw. I was "his girl." He called me his "baby doll, sweetheart of the world." I was his favorite, and he made no bones about it. He actually told the other grandchildren this fact. I guess he too was not PC. LOL. Because of this closeness, I think I have always wanted a girl to be spoiled by a grandfather or father. There is just nothing like it. I was a lucky, lucky child to have had this experience with my Papaw.
Finally, I think I am wishing for a girl because:
-I am an expert in dance lessons, gymnastics, Girl Scouts, big filly bows, and pink sponge rollers. However, I am lost when it comes to sports, jock straps, and activities requiring one to get dirty.
-I can relate to the humiliation of a first bra or first period. I know absolutely nothing of the penis (ok, ok, maybe not nothing).
-I just don't get the middle-school hormone surge that causes rampant masturbation in the male gender. Now, the middle-school hormone surge that causes drama and often results in frienemies with us ladies, I know this one all too well.
It doesn't help matters that Tom also wants a little girl. He has a son, a wonderful son who actually turns 18 in a few months. He has his mini-me, so now he is really hoping for a little girl (that will undoubtedly have him wrapped around her little finger).
Then you have my mom. And my sister. And Tom's mom. And Tom's Dad and Step-Mom. And Tom's sister. They are ALL hoping for a girl. Again, the only odd-one-out in the scenario is my poor dad. He is the only one who is hoping for a boy. I think he sees this as his second chance to have a little man to throw a ball with, or at the very least talk about throwing a ball. Poor guy.
So, with my admitted preference for little girls, I give no stock to any "feeling" I have about the sex of the baby. Of course I have a feeling it's a girl. Duh. I decided to not get my hopes up until I was told by a professional: Either my OB or a really really talented psychic.
And, no, I am not joking about the psychic (although not as much a psychic as a medium). I have discussed my belief in this ability before on the blog. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT in my mind that some people have a God-given gift which enables them to speak to those who have passed on. I believe this just as I believe in God. This belief is a major part of my spirituality and shapes the way I understand the world (both here and in the afterlife).
So, it was completely natural that I would want to visit a spiritual medium to speak to my loved ones about this pregnancy and the changes in my life. A few weeks ago I finally got my chance. I was lucky enough to secure an appointment with a medium who is booked 8-10 months in advance. I have been on her waiting list for months. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I got the call. I immediately dropped everything and said YES I'LL COME.
I won't go into the entire 30 minute consultation. I have an audio recording of it, so anyone who is especially curious is welcome to come take a listen. What I will tell you are the highlights:
1. When seeing a psychic or medium, I am always careful to provide as little information as possible. This particular one knew nothing but my first name and my cell phone number. I tried to hide my tiny baby bump and wore clothing that was not screaming maternity. Maybe fat girl, but not maternity. LOL
2. The first thing she said was that my aura told her I was "The Counselor" and helped people using my words. As you know, attorneys are regularly addressed as Counselor. Ok, this is going ok.
3. As she continued to describe my aura, she said that it indicated many flattering, but decidedly generalized characteristics. These things were nice to hear, but didn't have me convinced just yet.
4. Then it happened. She stopped in her tracks, looked at me, and said "Jim, Jimmy, James. There is a Jim or Jimmy here who wants to talk to you." I lost it. She could have told me just about anything after this and I would believe it. This is when I knew she was for real. My Papaw. Of course. The first to come talk to me. Turns out I am still Papaw's girl, babydoll sweetheart of the world.
5. After acknowledging my Papaw's presence, she indicated there was also a female presence. She seemed confused and asked me several times, "You are Amanda, right?" She said she couldn't hear the name clearly of the female presence but that it sounded like Anna, Ananda, or something similar. Again, she asked, "Your name is Amanda, right?" At this time I knew what was happening. I knew my Mamaw, also Amanda, was there and the medium was confused. But I wanted her to figure it out on her own. I let her go on a little longer with the confusion and then finally let her in on the secret. Yes, she is saying Amanda, but she is not referring to me. That was her name also. She seemed relieved to have figured that out. I was feeling especially blessed. I really felt them there.
6. She asked if I have a little girl. I said no. She asked if I had lost a little girl in the past. I said no. She said, "Well, are you wanting a little girl?" I said yes. I had not told her I was pregnant at this time. She said "Good, because Jim keeps saying that he has your little girl." This stopped me in my tracks. I could hold it in no longer. I told her I was pregnant. She said, "well did you know you were having a little girl?" I said, "No." She apologized for ruining the surprise, but she said my Papaw was insisting that she let me know that he was taking care of her for me. By this point, I was full-fledged crying and sniffling with tissues.**
**I asked her how Papaw could "have my little girl" when she has not actually been born yet. She explained to me the existence and concept of a "soul." She claims that all people have a soul that lives on even after death. During life on this earth, our soul leaves the body at night while we sleep and goes "home" to rest and rejuvenate. She says that it is the same thing with unborn children. The child's "soul" is created at conception. While the baby is forming inside the belly, the baby's soul is "at home" with our loved ones waiting to be reunited with his/her body. This reunion will occur at birth.
So, with the current evidence tending toward female, my mom and I did the forbidden the other day. My mom actually bought the baby "her first gown." It's just a little dress that was on sale at Von Maur, but to me it represents so much more:
All of the above being said, I do only want the baby to be healthy. And if he/she turns out to be a boy, I will do my damnedest to learn everything I can about baseball, Boy Scouts, and the penis.
Guess we will all just have to wait and see...
The difference between me and the PC mommies-to-be is that I am rarely PC. I know this will be a major shock (lol) to some, but I will admit I HOPE THE BABY IS A GIRL. In fact, I have always wanted a little girl. In all the years I dreamed of being lucky enough to get pregnant, the gender of the resulting baby was always the same. Never a boy, always a girl. With brown hair and blue eyes. Ok, a mini version of me. A bit self obsessed and petty, but I can't help that it is true.
I also believe that this is one instance where I am truly a victim of my circumstances. Throughout my life, women have literally ruled my roost. At home, there was my mom, my sister, and me. Then, there was Dad. To be honest, the sheer amount of estrogen flowing through the house made his presence a bit muted (sorry dad). In my extended family (on my mother's side), there were 12 grandchildren in total. Only 2 of them were boys. When the family got together it was a complete girl black-out. And, of course, then there was Mamaw. The Matriarch. The leader of the little women, big women, and actually everybody else too (my Papaw and Uncles included). Girls are all I know. With girls I am comfortable.
Despite of the girl-frenzy, I had an absolutely magical relationship with my Papaw. I was "his girl." He called me his "baby doll, sweetheart of the world." I was his favorite, and he made no bones about it. He actually told the other grandchildren this fact. I guess he too was not PC. LOL. Because of this closeness, I think I have always wanted a girl to be spoiled by a grandfather or father. There is just nothing like it. I was a lucky, lucky child to have had this experience with my Papaw.
Finally, I think I am wishing for a girl because:
-I am an expert in dance lessons, gymnastics, Girl Scouts, big filly bows, and pink sponge rollers. However, I am lost when it comes to sports, jock straps, and activities requiring one to get dirty.
-I can relate to the humiliation of a first bra or first period. I know absolutely nothing of the penis (ok, ok, maybe not nothing).
-I just don't get the middle-school hormone surge that causes rampant masturbation in the male gender. Now, the middle-school hormone surge that causes drama and often results in frienemies with us ladies, I know this one all too well.
It doesn't help matters that Tom also wants a little girl. He has a son, a wonderful son who actually turns 18 in a few months. He has his mini-me, so now he is really hoping for a little girl (that will undoubtedly have him wrapped around her little finger).
Then you have my mom. And my sister. And Tom's mom. And Tom's Dad and Step-Mom. And Tom's sister. They are ALL hoping for a girl. Again, the only odd-one-out in the scenario is my poor dad. He is the only one who is hoping for a boy. I think he sees this as his second chance to have a little man to throw a ball with, or at the very least talk about throwing a ball. Poor guy.
So, with my admitted preference for little girls, I give no stock to any "feeling" I have about the sex of the baby. Of course I have a feeling it's a girl. Duh. I decided to not get my hopes up until I was told by a professional: Either my OB or a really really talented psychic.
And, no, I am not joking about the psychic (although not as much a psychic as a medium). I have discussed my belief in this ability before on the blog. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT in my mind that some people have a God-given gift which enables them to speak to those who have passed on. I believe this just as I believe in God. This belief is a major part of my spirituality and shapes the way I understand the world (both here and in the afterlife).
So, it was completely natural that I would want to visit a spiritual medium to speak to my loved ones about this pregnancy and the changes in my life. A few weeks ago I finally got my chance. I was lucky enough to secure an appointment with a medium who is booked 8-10 months in advance. I have been on her waiting list for months. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I got the call. I immediately dropped everything and said YES I'LL COME.
I won't go into the entire 30 minute consultation. I have an audio recording of it, so anyone who is especially curious is welcome to come take a listen. What I will tell you are the highlights:
1. When seeing a psychic or medium, I am always careful to provide as little information as possible. This particular one knew nothing but my first name and my cell phone number. I tried to hide my tiny baby bump and wore clothing that was not screaming maternity. Maybe fat girl, but not maternity. LOL
2. The first thing she said was that my aura told her I was "The Counselor" and helped people using my words. As you know, attorneys are regularly addressed as Counselor. Ok, this is going ok.
3. As she continued to describe my aura, she said that it indicated many flattering, but decidedly generalized characteristics. These things were nice to hear, but didn't have me convinced just yet.
4. Then it happened. She stopped in her tracks, looked at me, and said "Jim, Jimmy, James. There is a Jim or Jimmy here who wants to talk to you." I lost it. She could have told me just about anything after this and I would believe it. This is when I knew she was for real. My Papaw. Of course. The first to come talk to me. Turns out I am still Papaw's girl, babydoll sweetheart of the world.
5. After acknowledging my Papaw's presence, she indicated there was also a female presence. She seemed confused and asked me several times, "You are Amanda, right?" She said she couldn't hear the name clearly of the female presence but that it sounded like Anna, Ananda, or something similar. Again, she asked, "Your name is Amanda, right?" At this time I knew what was happening. I knew my Mamaw, also Amanda, was there and the medium was confused. But I wanted her to figure it out on her own. I let her go on a little longer with the confusion and then finally let her in on the secret. Yes, she is saying Amanda, but she is not referring to me. That was her name also. She seemed relieved to have figured that out. I was feeling especially blessed. I really felt them there.
6. She asked if I have a little girl. I said no. She asked if I had lost a little girl in the past. I said no. She said, "Well, are you wanting a little girl?" I said yes. I had not told her I was pregnant at this time. She said "Good, because Jim keeps saying that he has your little girl." This stopped me in my tracks. I could hold it in no longer. I told her I was pregnant. She said, "well did you know you were having a little girl?" I said, "No." She apologized for ruining the surprise, but she said my Papaw was insisting that she let me know that he was taking care of her for me. By this point, I was full-fledged crying and sniffling with tissues.**
**I asked her how Papaw could "have my little girl" when she has not actually been born yet. She explained to me the existence and concept of a "soul." She claims that all people have a soul that lives on even after death. During life on this earth, our soul leaves the body at night while we sleep and goes "home" to rest and rejuvenate. She says that it is the same thing with unborn children. The child's "soul" is created at conception. While the baby is forming inside the belly, the baby's soul is "at home" with our loved ones waiting to be reunited with his/her body. This reunion will occur at birth.
So, with the current evidence tending toward female, my mom and I did the forbidden the other day. My mom actually bought the baby "her first gown." It's just a little dress that was on sale at Von Maur, but to me it represents so much more:
All of the above being said, I do only want the baby to be healthy. And if he/she turns out to be a boy, I will do my damnedest to learn everything I can about baseball, Boy Scouts, and the penis.
Guess we will all just have to wait and see...
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